Institute of Mechanics Laboratory of Experimental Hydrodynamics

Selected publications: 2023


  1. Ivanov O. O. Resonant interaction of elastic bodies with fluid or gas flow. Defended at Lomonosov Moscow State University.
  2. Abdukhakimov F. A. New problems in aeroelasticity of aviation structures. Defended at Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Book: O.O. Ivanov, V.V. Trifonov, V.V. Vedeneev. Measuring instruments in hydrodynamics and aerodynamics: tutorial. Maks press, Moscow, 2023. 36 p. (in Russian)

Papers in refereed journals:

  1. Gareev L.R., Vedeneev V.V., Ivanov O.O., Zayko J.S., Ashurov D.A., Reshmin A.I., Trifonov V.V. Experimental study of perturbation growth in a round laminar jet. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. Vol. 23.  e202300283.
  2. Krivonosova O., Gritsevich M.I., Zhilenko D.Yu. Noise induced effects in the axisymmetric spherical Couette flow. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 2023. Vol. 381. 20220124.
  3. Ivanov O.O., Ashurov D.A., Gareev L.R., Vedeneev V.V. Non-modal perturbation growth in a laminar jet: an experimental study. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2023. Vol. 963. A8.
  4. Movchan A.A., Ekster N.M. Theoretical Analysis of the Operation of a Force Actuator with a Working Body Consisting of a Shape Memory Alloy Rod and an Elastic Displacement Body. Russian Metallurgy (Metally). 2023. Issue 4. P. 389-397.
  5. Vedeneev V.V., Nikitin N.V. Absolute instability of plane incompressible jets. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2023. Vol. 962. A4.
  6. K. E. Abdul’manov, V. V. Vedeneev. Linear and nonlinear development of bending perturbations in a fluid-conveying pipe with variable elastic properties. Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics. 2023. Vol. 322. P. 4–17.
  7. D.A. Ashurov, V.V. Vedeneev, L.R. Gareev, O.O. Ivanov. Experimental study of the nonmodal perturbation growth mechanism in a laminar submerged jet. Doklady physics. 2023. Vol. 68. No. 2. P. 46–55.
  8. Zhilenko D. Yu., Krivonosova O.E. The influence of noises with different spectra on viscous incompressible fluid flows. Technical Physics Letters. 2023. Vol. 49. No. 4. P. 62-64.
  9. Kulikovskii A. G., Zayko J. S. On waves on the surface of an unstable layer of a viscous fluid flowing down a curved surface. Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics. 2023. Vol. 322. P.140–150.
  10. Lushchik V.G., Makarova M.S., Reshmin A.I. Numerical simulation of turbulent flow control at pipe inlet to advance flow relaminarization. Fluid Dynamics. 2023. Vol. 58. No. 1. Р. 57-71.   
  11. Luschik V. G., Reshmin A. I., Trifonov V. V. Effect of inlet conditions on the flow and heat transfer in a flat diffuser. Physical-Chemical Kinetics in Gas Dynamics. 2023. Vol.24. Issue 5.   
  12. Makarov P.V., Kolotnikov M.E., Vedeneev V.V., Abdukhakimov F.A. Comprehensive analysis of compressor blades’ dynamic behavior at the design stage. Aircraft engines. 2023. No. 3. P. 49–66. (in Russian)
  13. Reshmin A. I., Luschik V. G., Makarova M. S. Intensification of heat transfer in heat exchangers with diffuser channels. Physical-Chemical Kinetics in Gas Dynamics. 2023. Vol. 24. Issue 2.
  14. Spasova A.A., Zayko J.S. Development of an algorithm for generating a submerged jet with specified velocity profile characteristics. Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2023. Vol. 64. No. 4. P. 610-617.

Papers in conference proceedings:

  1. Zhilenko D.Yu., Krivonosova O.E., Sorokovykh D.E. Reducing turbulent velocity fluctuations when modulating the rotation speed // Waves and vortices in complex media: 14th international conference - school of young scientists. 2023. Moscow. P. 114-117.

Selected publications: 2022

Papers in refereed journals:

  1. Abdukhakimov F.A., Vedeneev V.V. Effect of Yaw Angle on Flutter of Rectangular Plates at Low Supersonic Speeds. AIAA Journal. 2022. Vol. 60. № 7. P. 4256-4266
  2. Gareev L.R., Zayko J.S., Chicherina A.D., Trifonov V.V., Reshmin A.I., Vedeneev V.V. Experimental validation of inviscid linear stability theory applied to an axisymmetric jet. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2022. Vol. 934. A3
  3. Kulikovskii A., Zayko J. Asymptotic behavior of localized disturbance in a viscous fluid flow down an incline. Physics of Fluids. 2022. Vol. 34. 034119
  4. Lushchik V.G., Makarova M.S., Reshmin A.I. Tube-In-Tube Heat Exchanger with Diffuser Channels. High Temperature. 2022. Vol. 60. Issue 1. Suppl. 2. P. S215–S222
  5. Podoprosvetova A., Vedeneev V. Axisymmetric instability of elastic tubes conveying power-law fluids. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2022. Vol. 941. A61
  6. Romanova D., Ivanov O., Trifonov V., Ginzburg N., Korovina D., Ginzburg B., Koltunov N., Eglit M., Strijhak S. Calibration of the k-ω SST Turbulence Model for Free Surface Flows on Mountain Slopes Using an Experiment. Fluids. 2022. Vol. 7. № 3. 111
  7. Shishaeva A., Aksenov A., Vedeneev V. The effect of external perturbations on nonlinear panel flutter at low supersonic speed. Journal of Fluids and Structures. 2022. Vol. 111. 103570
  8. Zhilenko D., Krivonosova O. Shift of the flow stability limit in the presence of random rotational velocity fluctuations. Technical Physics. 2022. Vol. 67. № 5. 376–382
  9. Zhilenko D., Krivonosova O. Supression of the instability of rotating flows. Technical Physics Letters. 2022. Vol. 48. Issue 3. P. 156-160
Papers in conference proceedings:
  1. Гареев Л.Р. Исследование модального и немодального механизмов перехода к турбулентности в ламинарной затопленной струе. Труды конференции-конкурса молодых ученых (19–20 октября 2021 г.). Москва: Издательство Московского университета, 2022
  2. Жиленко Д.Ю., Кривоносова О.Э. Вихревые структуры неустойчивых течений, вызванных вращательными колебаниями жидкости. Волны и вихри в сложных средах: 13-ая международная конференция – школа молодых ученых; 30 ноября – 02 декабря 2022 г., Москва: Сборник материалов школы. М.: ООО «ИСПО-принт», 2022. С. 111-113
  3. Жиленко Д.Ю., Кривоносова О.Э. Имитационное моделирование спектров атмосферной турбулентности в численных и лабораторных экспериментах. Волны и вихри в сложных средах: 13-ая международная конференция – школа молодых ученых; 30 ноября – 02 декабря 2022 г., Москва: Сборник материалов школы. М.: ООО «ИСПО-принт», 2022. С. 114-116
  4. Кривоносова О.Э., Жиленко Д.Ю. Структуры волн в течениях, вызванных вращательными колебаниями жидкости с двумя независимыми частотами. Волны и вихри в сложных средах: 13-ая международная конференция – школа молодых ученых; 30 ноября – 02 декабря 2022 г., Москва: Сборник материалов школы. М.: ООО «ИСПО-принт», 2022. С. 148-150

Selected publications: 2021

Dissertation: Podoprosvetova A.B. Theoretical and experimental studies of the stability of an elastic tube with a liquid flowing inside. Defended at Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Papers in refereed journals:

  1. Zayko J.S., Gareev L.R., Chicherina A.D., Trifonov V.V., Vedeneev V.V., Reshmin A.I. Experimental Validation of Linear-Stability Theory Applied to a Submerged Jet. Doklady Physics. 2021. Vol. 66. № 4. P. 106-10
  2. Podoprosvetova A., Zayko J., Yushutin V., Vedeneev V. Experimental study of the flow regime effect on the stability of collapsible tubes conveying fluid. Physics of Fluids. 2021. Vol. 33
  3. Kuchumov A. G., Vedeneev V., Samartsev V., Khairulin A., Ivanov O. Patient-specific fluid–structure interaction model of bile flow: comparison between 1-way and 2-way algorithms. Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering. 2021. P. 1-25
  4. Abdukhakimov F.A., Bykov A.V., Vedeneev V.V., Gareev L.R., Nesterov V.A. Study of Aeroelastic Phenomena of the Hull and Thin-Walled Structures of Unmanned Aircraft at High Supersonic Speeds. Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability. 2021. Vol. 50. № 4. P. 342-350
  5. Ivanov O.O., Vedeneev V.V. Vortex-induced vibrations of an elastic cylinder near a finite-length plate. Journal of Fluids and Structures. 2021. Vol. 107
  6. Lushchik V.G., Makarova M.S., Reshmin A.I. Enhancement of Heat Transfer during Turbulent Flow in Plane and Circular Nonseparating Diffusers. Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics. 2021. Vol. 94. P. 467-478
  7. Lushchik V.G., Makarova M.S., Reshmin A.I. Application of a three-parameter differential turbulence model for solving problems of flow and heat transfer in channels of variable cross section: part 1. Software engineering. 2021. Vol. 12. No. 1. P. 21–30 (in Russian)
  8. Lushchik V.G., Makarova M.S., Reshmin A.I. Application of a three-parameter differential turbulence model for solving problems of flow and heat transfer in channels of variable cross section: part 2. Software engineering. 2021. Vol. 12. No. 2. P. 89–106 (in Russian)
  9. Zhilenko D., Krivonosova O. The effect of broadband rotational velocity fluctuations on flows in spherical layers. Technical Physics. 2021. Vol. 66. Issue 12. P. 1330-1337
Papers in conference proceedings:
  1. Gareev L., Zayko J., Trifonov V., Reshmin A., Vedeneev V. Experimental investigation of perturbation growth in laminar jets. Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC. 2021. Paper IAC-21,A2,4,8,x64912.
  2. Gareev Linar, Chicherina Anastasia, Reshmin Alexander, Trifonov Vladimir, Vedeneev Vasily, Zayko Julia. Comparison of Experimental and Theoretical Characteristics of Linear Waves in the Submerged Air Jet. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer. 2021. P. 138
  3. Abdukhakimov Farrukh, Vedeneev Vasily. Flutter of Rectangular Plate at Non-Zero Flow Yaw Angle. Proceedings of the ASME 2021 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference. 2021. P. 1-4
  4. Ivanov Oleg, Vedeneev. Vasily Influence of Finite-Length Plate Proximity on Vortex-Induced Vibrations of Elastic Cable. Proceedings of the ASME 2021 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference. 2021
  5. Trifonov V., Reshmin A., Teplovodskii S. Turbulent Flow in an Annular Channel of Variable Cross-Section. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer. 2021. P. 133
  6. Решмин А.И., Трифонов В. В., Тепловодский С.Х. Теплообмен в кольцевом канале переменного сечения. Всероссийская конференция молодых ученых-механиков YSM-2021. 2021. Москва. C. 137–137
  7. Кривоносова О. Э., Жиленко Д.Ю. Волновые структуры при нестационарном вращении вязкой несжимаемой жидкости. Оптические методы исследования потоков: Труды XVI Международной научно-технической конференции. 2021. Москва. C. 163-174
  8. Жиленко Д.Ю., Кривоносова О. Э. Селекция волновых чисел при потере устойчивости течений во вращающихся сферических слоях. Оптические методы исследования потоков: Труды XVI Международной научно-технической конференции. 2021. Москва. C. 85–97
  9. Жиленко Д.Ю., Кривоносова О. Э. Спектры турбулентных течений во вращающихся сферических слоях жидкости. Оптические методы исследования потоков: Труды XVI Международной научно-технической конференции. 2021. Москва. C. 98–106

Selected publications: 2020

Dissertation: Zayko J. S. Flow regimes and flow stability on slopes. Defended at Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Papers in refereed journals:

  1. Margarita Eglit, Alexander Yakubenko, Julia Zayko. A Review of Russian Snow Avalanche Models — From Analytical Solutions to Novel 3D Models. Geosciences. 2020. Vol. 10.  No. 2. 77.
  2. Vedeneev Vasily. New Mechanism of the Aeroelastic Divergence Onset. AIAA Journal. 2020. Vol. 58. No. 6. P. 2716−2725
  3. Vedeneev Vasily. Nonlinear steady states of hyperelastic membrane tubes conveying a viscous non-Newtonian fluid. Journal of Fluids and Structures. 2020. Vol. 98. 103113.
  4. Zhilenko D.Y, Krivonosova O.E. Displacements of the flow stability limit under rotational rate modulation. Technical Physics Letters. 2020. Vol. 46.  No. 6. P. 591−594.
  5. Karlikov V.P., Nechaev A.T., Tolokonnikov S.L. On Features of Penetration of Vertical Free Turbulent Jets into Surface of Liquid in Narrow Channels of Different Lengths. Moscow Univ. Mech. Bull. 2020. Vol. 75. P. 110–114.
  6. Lushchik V.G., Makarova M.S., Reshmin A.I. Plate Heat Exchanger with Diffuser Channels. High Temperature. 2020. Vol. 58.  No. 3.  P. 352−359.
Papers in conference proceedings:
  1. Vedeneev V. V., Gareev L. R., Zayko J. S., Reshmin A.I., Trifonov V.V., Chicherina A. D. Experimental confirmation of the results of the modal theory of stability as applied to a submerged jet. Waves and vortices in complex media. Materials of the 11th international conference - school of young scientists. 2020. Moscow, P. 36 − 39. (in Russian)
  2. Ivanov O. O., Poroshina A.B.  Experimental investigation of the oscillations of an elastic cylinder around a rigid plate or rigid cylinder. Problems of Mechanics: Theory, Experiment and New Technologies: Abstracts of the XIV All-Russian School - Conference of Young Scientists. 2020. Novosibirsk, P. 78 − 79. (in Russian)
  3. Lushchik V.G., Makarova M.S., Reshmin A.I. Plate Heat Exchanger with Diffuser Channels. Proceedings of the III International conference "Modern problems of Thermophysics and power engineering". 2020. P. 171 − 173. (in Russian)
  4. Podoprosvetova A. B. Experimental investigation of the influence of the flow regime on the stability of the soft elastic tubes. Waves and vortices in complex media. Materials of the 11th international conference - school of young scientists. 2020. Moscow, P. 138 − 140. (in Russian)

Selected publications: 2019

Dissertation: Bondarev V. O. Flutter of elastic plates in a supersonic gas flow in the presence of a boundary layer. Defended at Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Book chapter: Zayko J., Sudarikova A., Teplovodskii S., Reshmin A., and Vedeneev V. A new method for the formation of free jets with long laminar region. In the book: Zhou Y., Kimura M., Peng G., Lucey A., Huang L. (eds.) Fluid-Structure-Sound Interactions and Control. FSSIC 2017. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore, 2019. P. 183-188.

Papers in refereed journals:

  1. Zayko J., Eglit M. Stability of downslope flows to two-dimensional perturbations. Physics of Fluids. 2019. V. 31(8). 086601.
  2. Vedeneev V., Nesterov V. Effect of nonequilibrium reacting flow on flutter at hypersonic flight speed. AIAA Journal. 2019. Vol. 57. No. 5. P. 2222-2226.
  3. Abdukhakimov F.A., Vedeneev V.V., Kolotnikov M.E., Makarov P.V. Numerical investigation of the effect of design parameters on the blade flutter prediction. Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability. 2019. Vol. 48. No. 2. P. 111-118.
  4. Vedeneev V.V., Reshmin A.I., Teplovodskii S.K., Zayko J.S., Trifonov V.V., Markin A.V. Gas-dynamic protection of microelectronics processes and objects from external contamination. Nanoindustry. Special issue. 2019. P. 637-646. (in Russian)
  5. Zhilenko D., Krivonosova O. Suppression of turbulence in rotating flows. Technical Physics Letters. 2019. Vol. 45. No. 17. P. 20-23.
  6. Zhilenko D., Krivonosova O. Synchronization in Turbulent Spherical Couette Flow Subject to Nonuniform Rotation. Technical Physics. 2019. Vol. 64. No. 7. P. 933-938.
  7. Karlikov V.P., Nechaev A.T., Tolokonnikov S.L. Spouting of Vertical Submerged Axisymmetric Jets in Relatively Narrow Channels. Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 2019. Vol. 74. No. 3. P. 65-68.
  8. Karlikov V.P., Nechaev A.T., Tolokonnikov S.L. Self-Oscillation Regimes of Penetration of Free or Plunging Jets through Liquid Surface. Water Resources. 2019. Vol. 46. No. 2. P. 182-187.
  9. Lushchik V.G., Makarova M.S., Reshmin A.I. Laminarization of Flow with Heat Transfer in a Plane Channel with a Confuser. Fluid Dynamics. 2019. Vol. 54. No. 1. P. 67-76.
  10. Lushchik V.G., Makarova M.S., Medvetskaya N.V., Reshmin A.I. Numerical study of flow and heat transfer in flat channels of variable cross section. Thermal processes in technology. 2019. Vol. 11.  No. 9. P. 386-394. (in Russian)
  11. Markin A.V., Vedeneev V.V., Reshmin A.I., Teplovodskii S.K., Zayko J.S., Trifonov V.V. Gas-dynamic protection of processes and microelectronics objects from external contamination. Cleanrooms and process environments. 2018. Vol. 68. No. 4. P. 54-62. (in Russian)
  12. Farrukh Abdukhakimov, Vasily Vedeneev, Mikhail Kolotnikov and Pavel Makarov. The influence of design parameters on the blade flutter boundaries. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2019. No. 643. 012135.
  13. Golubiatnikov A., Ivanov O. Self-similar motion of melting sphere. Journal of Physics: Conference series. 2019. No. 1268. 012027.
  14. Krivonosova O., Zhilenko D., Gritsevich M. Wave number selection under the action of accelerated rotation. Journal of Physics: Conference series. 2019. Vol. 1163. 012035-7.
  15. Zhilenko D., Krivonosova O., Gritsevich M. New type of centrifugal instability in a thin rotating spherical layer. Journal of Physics: Conference series. 2019.  No. 1163. 012011-5.
Papers in conference proceedings:
  1. Abdukhakimov F.A. Investigation of a flutter of structures in gas flows. Proceedings of the XII All-Russian Congress on Fundamental Problems of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Collection of proceedings in 4 volumes. 2019. Publishing Centre of Bashkir State University, Ufa. V. 2. P. 274-276. (in Russian)
  2. Vedeneev V.V., Zayko J.S., Reshmin A.I., Teplovodskii S.K., Trifonov V.V.  Experimental and theoretical study of perturbation growth in a laminar jet. Proceedings of the XII All-Russian Congress on Fundamental Problems of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Collection of proceedings in 4 volumes. 2019. Publishing Centre of Bashkir State University, Ufa. V. 2. P. 87-88. (in Russian)
  3. Zayko J.S., Eglit M. E. Stability analysis of flows down inclines. Proceedings of the XII All-Russian Congress on Fundamental Problems of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Collection of proceedings in 4 volumes. 2019. Publishing Centre of Bashkir State University, Ufa. V. 4. P. 43-45. (in Russian)
  4. Lushchik V.G., Makarova M.S., Reshmin A.I. The ways to control turbulent flow during stream laminarization in a pipe. Proceedings of the XII All-Russian Congress on Fundamental Problems of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Collection of proceedings in 4 volumes. 2019. Publishing Centre of Bashkir State University, Ufa. V. 2. P. 601-602. (in Russian)
  5. Poroshina A.B. Investigation of the elastic converging or expanding tube stability conveying pseudoplastic fluids. Proceedings of the XII All-Russian Congress on Fundamental Problems of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Collection of proceedings in 4 volumes. 2019. Publishing Centre of Bashkir State University, Ufa. V. 4. P. 288-290. (in Russian)
  6. Reshmin A.I., Teplovodskii S.K, Trifonov V.V. Numerical investigation of turbulent flow in a diffuser with a small cone angles. Proceedings of the XII All-Russian Congress on Fundamental Problems of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Collection of proceedings in 4 volumes. 2019. Publishing Centre of Bashkir State University, Ufa. V. 2. P. 697-698. (in Russian)
Patent: Zhilenko D.Y., Krivonosova O.E. The way to eliminate turbulence in flows with rotation. 2019. Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2676834.

Selected publications: 2018

Papers in refereed journals:

  1. Zhilenko Dmitry, Krivonosova Olga, Gritsevich Maria, Read Peter. Wave number selection in the presence of noise: experimental results. Chaos. 2018. Vol. 28, No 5. 053110.
  2. Zayko Julia, Teplovodskii Sergey, Chicherina Anastasia, Vedeneev Vasily and Reshmin Alexander. Formation of free round jets with long laminar regions at large Reynolds numbers. Physics of Fluids. 2018. Vol. 30. 043603.
  3. Bondarev V.O., Vedeneev V.V. Influence of the viscous boundary layer perturbations on single-mode panel flutter at finite Reynolds numbers. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2018. Vol. 852. P. 578–601.
  4. Shishaeva Anastasia, Vedeneev Vasily, Aksenov Andrey, Sushko Gennady. Transonic Panel Flutter in Accelerating or Decelerating Flow Conditions. AIAA Journal. 2018. Vol. 56. No. 3. P. 997–1010.
  5. Vedeneev V.V., Kolotnikov M.E., Mossakovskii P.A., Kostyreva L.A., Abdukhakimov F.A., Makarov P.V., Pyhalov A.A., Dudaev M.A. A comprehensive solution of the problems of ensuring the strength of gas turbine engine compressor at the design stage. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2018. P. 1–7.
  6. Zayko J. and Eglit M. Stability criteria for open downslope flows under oblique perturbations. Journal of Physics: Conf. Series. 2018. Vol. 1129.  012038.
  7. Zhilenko D., Krivonosova O., Gritsevich M. Nonlinear interaction of waves in rotating spherical layers. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2018. No. 955. 012015.
  8. Zhilenko D., Krivonosova O., Gritsevich M. The different types of turbulence in rotating spherical layers. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2018. No. 955. 012012.
  9. Vedeneev V. V., Poroshina A. B. Stability of an elastic tube conveying a Non-Newtonian fluid and having a locally weakened section. Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics. 2018. Vol. 300. Issue 1. P. 34–55.
  10. Zhilenko D., Krivonosova O. Instability of the flow in a spherical layer under torsional oscillations of the inner boundary. Technical Physics Letters. 2018. Vol. 44. No. 6. P. 457–460.
  11. Zaiko Yu. S., Reshmin A. I., Teplovodskii S. Kh. and Chicherina A. D. Investigation of submerged jets with an extended initial laminar region. Fluid Dynamics. 2018. Vol.53. Issue 1. P. 95–104.
  12. Ivanov О. О. Motion of a melting particle. Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 2018. Vol. 73. Issue 6. P. 141-144.
  13. Leontiev N.E., Roshchin E.I. Model of the flow of an incompressible fluid with a free surface inside a highly porous medium. Fluid Dynamics. 2018. Vol. 53. No 6. P. 87–93.
  14. Lushchik V. G., Reshmin A. I. Heat Transfer Enhancement in a Plane Separation-free Diffuser. High Temperature. 2018. Vol. 56. Issue 4, P. 569–575.
  15. Poroshina A.B., Vedeneev V.V. Existence and uniqueness of stationary state of elastic tubes conveying power law fluids. Russian Journal of Biomechanics. 2018. Vol. 22, No. 2. P. 169–193.
  16. Tolokonnikov S.L. Slightly perturbed interaction of plane counter-moving jets of inviscid incompressible fluid. Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 2018. Vol. 73. Issue 2. P. 27–32.
  17. Tolokonnikov S.L. The shape of the crater formed by an explosive wedge-shaped cord charge on the ground surface. Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 2018. Vol. 73. Issue 6. P. 149–152.
  18. Eglit M.E., Yakubenko A.E., Zaiko Ju S.Mathematical modeling of slope flows of Non-Newtonian media. Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics. 2018. Vol. 300. Issue 1. P. 219–229.
  19. Ivanov O. O. and Golubiatnikov A. N. On Brownian motion of melting particle. Journal of Physics: Conf. Series. 2018. Vol.1129. 012013.
  20. Poroshina A. and Vedeneev V. Influence of longitudinal tension on the stability of the finite length elastic tubes conveying Non-Newtonian fluid. Journal of Physics: Conf. Series. 2018. Vol.1129. 012029.
  21. Abdukhakimov F. and Vedeneev V. Investigation of a flutter of structures in gas flows with using energy method. Journal of Physics: Conf. Series. 2018. Vol. 1129. 012001.
  22. Bondarev V. O. Single-mode flutter of an elastic plate in the presence of the boundary layer. Journal of Physics: Conf. Series. 2018. Vol. 1129. 012006.
  23. Vedeneev V. and Zayko J. On absolute instability of free jets. Journal of Physics: Conf. Series. 2018. Vol.1129. 012037.
Papers in conference proceedings:
  1. Abdukhakimov F., Vedeneev V. Single mode flutter of non-rectangular flat panels at low supersonic speeds. Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Fluid-Structure Interactions, Flow-Sound Interactions, Flow-Induced Vibration & Noise. Toronto. 2018. P. 4.
  2. Abdukhakimov F.А. The influence of the plate shape on the boundaries of flutter at low supersonic speed. Proceedings of the conference-competition of young scientists 13 – 17 October 2017. Ed. Moscow University, Moscow. 2018. P. 79 – 86. (in russian)
  3. Bondarev V.O. Influence of the boundary layer on single-mode flutter of on-final plates. Proceedings of the conference-competition of young scientists 13 – 17 October 2017. Ed. Moscow University, Moscow. 2018. P. 95 – 102. (in russian)
  4. Lushchik V. G., Makarova M.S., Reshmin A. I. Comparison of thermohydraulic efficiency of flat and round diffusers. Problems of Mechanics and Control: Materials of the International Conference, 16 – 22 September 2018, Makhachkala. Ed. Moscow University, Moscow. P. 219 – 222. (in russian)
  5. Lushchik V. G., Makarova M.S., Reshmin A. I. Intensification of heat exchange in turbulent flow in a flat and round diffusers. Proceedings of the Seventh Russian National Conference on Heat Exchange. M.: Izd. House MEI. 2018. Vol. 2. P. 390 – 393.  (in russian)
  6. Lushchik V. G., Makarova M.S., Reshmin A. I. On the determination of the conditions for complete relaminarization of the flow in a flat channel in the presence of a confused sectionю Problems of Mechanics and Control: Materials of the International Conference, 16 – 22 September 2018, Makhachkala. Ed. Moscow University, Moscow. P. 223 – 226. (in russian)
  7. Makarova M.S., Lushchik V. G., Reshmin A. I. Investigation of the conditions for the occurrence of a complete relaminarization of the flow in flat confused channels. Modern problems of mathematics and mechanics: Scientific hearings dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of S.А. Khristianovich; November 15 – 16, 2018, Moscow: Collection of materials. Premium Print LLC Moscow. P. 66 – 68. (in russian)
  8. Poroshina A.B. Stationary state of the elastic tube conveying fluid. Proceedings of the conference-competition of young scientists 13 – 17 October 2017. Ed. Moscow University, Moscow. 2018. P. 171 – 178. (in russian)
  9. Vedeneev V.V., Zayko J.S., Trifonov V.V., Reshmin A. I. Experimental and theoretical study of the development of perturbations in a circular submerged jet. Modern problems of mathematics and mechanics: Scientific hearings dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of S.А. Khristianovich; November 15 – 16, 2018, Moscow: Collected Materials. Premium Print LLC Moscow. P. 20 – 21. (in russian)
  10. Zayko J., Chicherina A., Teplovodskii S., Reshmin A., Vedeneev V. A New Method for the Formation of Free Jets with Long Laminar Regions. Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on Fluid-Structure-Sound Interactions and Control. Springer-Verlag Book. 2018. P. 183 – 188.
  11. Zayko J., Teplovodskii S., Chicherina A., Trifonov V., Vedeneev V., Reshmin A. Experimental and theoretical analysis of perturbation growth in a laminar jet. Proceedings of 9th International Symposium on Fluid-Structure Interactions, Flow-Sound Interactions, Flow-Induced Vibration & Noise, July 8 – 11, 2018, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, FIV2018-109.
  12. Zhilenko D., Krivonosova O. Influence of meridional circulation on the interaction of waves caused by oscillations of one of the spherical layer boundaries. Proceedings of the XXIII International Conference “Nonlinear Problems of the Theory of Hydrodynamic Stability and Turbulence” February 25 – March 4, 2018 MAKS Press. Moscow. 2018. P. 60 – 61. (in russian)

Selected publications: 2017


  1. Galin G.Ya., Golubyatnikov A.N., Kameniarj Ya.A., Karlikov V.P., Kulikovskii A.G., Petrov A.G., Sveshnikova E.I., Shikina I.S., Eglit M.E. Tasks in continuum mechanics (Classical textbook of MSU). LENAND, Moscow, 2017. 640 p. (in russian)
  2. Leontiev N.E. Basics of filtration theory. MAKS press, Moscow, 2017. 88 p. (in russian)

Papers in refereed journals:

  1. Sergey Shitov, Vasily Vedeneev. Flutter of rectangular simply supported plates at low supersonic speeds. Journal of Fluids and Structures. 2017. Vol. 69. P. 154 – 173.
  2. Leont’ev N.E. Exact solutions to the problem of deep-bed filtration with retardation of a jump in concentration within the framework of the nonlinear two-velocity model. Fluid Dynamics. 2017. Vol. 52. № 1. P. 165-170.
  3. Bondarev V.O., Vedeneev V.V. Flutter of infinite elastic plates in the boundary-layer flow at finite Reynolds numbers Fluid Dynamics. 2017. Vol. 52. № 6. P. 797-814.
  4. Leont’ev N.E., Smikhovskii A.V. Steady-state axisymmetric flows of an incompressible fluid through rotating porous media with regard to the Coriolis force. Fluid Dynamics. 2017. Vol. 52. № 5. P. 678-681.
  5. Karlikov V. P., Nechaev A. T., Tolokonnikov S. L. Self-oscillatory regimes of the penetration of vertical free turbulent jets through a liquid surface. Fluid Dynamics. 2017. Vol. 52. № 6. P. 733-739.
  6. Zhilenko D. Yu., Krivonosova O.E. Change of the properties of turbulent flows in a spherical layer under the action of modulation of rotation velocity. Technical Physics Letters. 2017. Vol. 43. № 5. P. 493-495.
  7. Abdukhakimov F.A., Vedeneev V.V. Investigation of single-mode flutter of various shape at low supersonic speeds. TsAGI Science Journal. 2017. Vol. 48 (1). P. 97-110.
  8. Tolokonnikov S. L. Fluid Outflow from an Orifice in a Plane Wall in the Presence of a Variable-Strength Source on the Symmetry Plane of Flow. Moscow Univ. Mech. Bulletin. 2017. Vol. 72. № 2. P. 89-93.
  9. Aksenov, A.V., Sudarikova, A.D., Chicherin, I.S. Influence of surface tension on viscous fluid flowing along superhydrophobic surface. II. Axisymmetrical motion.  Vestnik “MIFI”. 2017. Vol. 6. No 2. P. 117-125. (in russian)
  10. Oleg Ivanov, Vasily Vedeneev, Viktor Kulik, Andrey Boiko. The influence of compliant coatings on skin friction in the turbulent boundary layer // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2017. Vol. 894. No. 1. 012036.
  11. Alexandr Reshmin, Anastasia Sudarikova, Sergey Teplovodskii, Julia Zayko. Technology for formation of axisymmetric jet with long laminar region // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2017. Vol. 894. No. 1. 012080.
  12. Julia Zayko, Vasily Vedeneev. Self-Exciting Oscillations of Elastic Tube Conveying Fluid at Laminar and Turbulent Flow Regimes // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2017. Vol. 894. No. 1. 012030.
  13. Alexandr Aksenov, Anastasia Sudarikova, Ivan Chicherin. The surface tension effect on viscous liquid spreading along a superhydrophobic surface // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2017. Vol. 788. No. 1. 012003.
  14. Vasily Vedeneev, Mikhail Kolotnikov, Pavel Mossakovskii, Lilia Kostyreva, Farrukh Abdukhakimov, Pavel Makarov, Anatoly Pyhalov, Mikhail Dudaev. A comprehensive solution of the problems of ensuring the strength of gas turbine engine compressor at the design stage // IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2017. Vol. 302. 012079.

Papers in conference proceedings:

  1. Dmitry Zhilenko, Olga Krivonosova. The role of synchronization in transition to two-dimensional and three-dimensional turbulence // Procceding of the XLV International Summer School-Conference APM. 2017. St. Petersburg, Russia. P. 515 – 522.
  2. Olga Krivonosova, Dmitry Zhilenko. DNS of turbulent flows in spherical layer, driven by torsional oscillations of boundaries // Procceding of the XLV  International Summer School-Conference APM. St. Petersburg, Russia. 2017. P. 263 – 269.
  3. Зайко Ю.С., Эглит М.Э. Численная модель для описания движения снежных лавин, учитывающая неньютоновскую реологию среды, турбулентность и вовлечение в движение снега со склона // III Международный симпозиум «Физика, химия и механика снега». Сборник докладов, часть II.  Южно-Сахалинск. 2017. С. 22 – 25.
  4. Dmitry Zhillenko, Olga Krivonosova. Transition to Cycle-chaos Intermittency Flow in Rotating Spherical layer // Proceedings of Chaos. Barcelona, Spain. 2017. P. 829 – 835.
  5. Dmitry Zhilenko, Olga Krivonosova. Transition to Two-Dimensional and Three- Dimensional Turbulence under Action of Spherical Boundary Velocity Modulation // Proceedings of Chaos Barcelona, Spain. 2017. P. 837 – 836.
  6. Иванов О.О. О движении плавящейся сферической частицы в собственном расплаве // Труды конференции-конкурса молодых ученых. Москва. 2017. С. 101 – 108.
  7. Oleg Ivanov, Vasily Vedeneev, Viktor Kulik, Andrey Boiko. Experimental investigation of drag reduction using compliant coatings // European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting. Rome, Italy. 2017.

Selected publications: 2016

Book: V. V. Vedeneev. Mathematical stability theory of plane-parallel flows and development of turbulence. Intellect publisher, Dolgoprudny, 2016. 152 p. (in russian)

Papers in refereed journals:

  1. Vsevolod Bondarev, Vasily Vedeneev. Short-wave instability of an elastic plate in supersonic flow in the presence of the boundary layer. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2016. Vol. 802. P. 528–552.
  2. Pykhalov Anatoly A., Dudaev Mikhail A., Kolotnikov Mikhail Ye., Makarov Paul V. Dynamic of assembled structures of rotor systems of aviation gas turbine engines of type two-rotors. Vibroengineering procedia. 2016. Vol. 8. P. 316–332.
  3. V. V. Vedeneev. On the application of the asymptotic method of global instability in aeroelasticity problems. Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, 2016, Vol. 295. P. 274-301.
  4. Aksenov, A.V., Sudarikova, A.D., Chicherin, I.S. Influence of surface tension on viscous fluid flowing along superhydrophobic surface. Vestnik “MIFI”. 2016. Vol. 5. No 6. P. 489-496. (in russian)
  5. V. V. Vedeneev. Propagation of waves in a layer of a viscoelastic material underlyinga layer of a moving fluid. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2016, Vol. 80, Issue 3. P. 225-243.
  6. Zhilenko, D.Yu., Krivonosova, O.E. Enhancement of waves at rotational oscillations of a liquid. JETP Letters. 2016. Vol. 104. Issue 8. P. 552-559.
  7. Zaiko, Yu.S. Numerical modeling of downslope flows of different rheology. Fluid Dynamics. 2016. Vol. 51. Issue 4. P. 443-450.
  8. Leont’ev, A.I., Lushchik, V.G., Reshmin, A.I. Heat transfer in conical expanding channels. High Temperature. 2016. Vol. 54. Issue 2. P. 270-276.

Papers in conference proceedings:

  1. Anastasia Shishaeva, Andrey Aksenov, Vasily Vedeneev. Nonlinear panel flutter at variable transonic flow speed. 24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Book of Papers. 2016. Montreal, Canada. P. 3281–3282.
  2. Mikhail Kolotnikov, Pavel Makarov, Farrukh Abdukhakimov, Vasily Vedeneev. Flutter prediction in modern aircraft engines and gas turbines. Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Flutter and its Application. 2016. Tokyo.
  3. Vedeneev V., Yushutin V., Zayko J. Effect of the Flow Regime on Flutter in Collapsible Tubes.  24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Book of Papers. 2016. Montreal, Canada.
  4. Zayko J., Yushutin V., Vedeneev V. Flutter in collapsible tubes at turbulent and laminar flow regimes. Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Flutter and its Application. Tokyo, 2016.
  5. Anastasia Shishaeva, Vasily Vedeneev, Andrey Aksenov. Nonlinear single-mode panel flutter oscillations at continuously varying flight speed. Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Flutter and its Application. Tokyo, 2016.

Patent: Zhilenko, D.Yu., Krivonosova, O.E. Method for transportless mixing of fluids. Patent of the Russian Federation № 2589485.

Selected publications: 2015

Papers in refereed journals:

  1. Anastasia Shishaeva, Vasily Vedeneev, Andrey Aksenov. Nonlinear single-mode and multi-mode panel flutter oscillations at low supersonic speeds. Journal of fluids and structures. 2015. Vol. 56. P. 205–223.
  2. Vasily V. Vedeneev, Mikhail Kolotnikov, Pavel Makarov. Experimental validation of numerical blade flutter prediction. Journal of propulsion and power. 2015. Vol. 31. No. 5. P. 1281–1291.
  3. V. V. Vedeneev, S. V. Shitov. Flutter of periodically supported elastic strip in a gas flow with a small supersonic velocity. Mechanics of Solids, 2015, Vol. 50, No. 3. P. 318-336.
  4. Lushchik, V.G., Reshmin, A.I. Distinctive features of turbulent flows in round channels with the Reynolds number decreasing along the length. Fluid Dynamics. 2015. Vol. 50. Issue 2. P. 223-228.
  5. Zhilenko, D.Yu., Krivonosova, O.E. Quasi-two-dimensional and three-dimensional turbulence in rotational spherical liquid layers. JETP Letters. 2015. Vol. 101. Issue 8. P. 527-532.
  6. Zhilenko, D.Yu., Krivonosova, O.E. Determination of the wave structure of closed flows with nonuniform rotation of the boundaries by the method of an instantaneous phase difference. Doklady Physics. 2015. Vol. 60. Issue 10. P. 442-445.
  7. Zhilenko, D.Yu., Krivonosova, O.E. Direct calculation of turbulent flow formation in a spherical layer with oscillating counter-rotating boundaries. Technical Physics Letters. 2015. Vol. 41. Issue 1. P. 5-9.
  8. Leont’ev, N.E., Tatarenkova, D.A. Exact solutions to nonlinear equations of suspension flow through a porous medium. Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 2015. Vol. 70. Issue 3. P. 61-65.
  9. Tolokonnikov, S.L. A new cavity closure scheme to study the wall effect on the cavity flow around a plate in a channel. Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 2015. Vol. 70. Issue 2. P. 42-45.
  10. Karlikov, V.P., Tolokonnikov, S.L. Self-oscillation periods of conical jet aerators with various apex angles. Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 2015. Vol. 70. Issue 5. P. 122-125.
Papers in conference proceedings:
  1. Vsevolod O. Bondarev, Vasily V. Vedeneev. Influence of the boundary layer on flutter of elastic plate in supersonic gas flow. Proceedings of International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics (IFASD 2015). Saint Peterburg, 2015.
  2. Vasily Vedeneev. Wave properties of a compliant coating in a fluid flow. Proceedings of European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting (EDRFCM 2015). Cambridge, 2015.
  3. В. В. Веденеев, В. О. Бондарев. Влияние коротковолновых невязких возмущений пограничного слоя на флаттер упругих пластин в сверхзвуковом потоке. XI Всероссийский съезд по фундаментальным проблемам теоретической и прикладной механики. Сборник докладов. Казань: Издательство Казанского университета. 2015. С. 717–719.
  4. D. Zhilenko, O. Krivonosova. DNS of transition to nonuniform in time and/or space turbulent flows in rotating spherical layers. Materials of 15th European Turbulence Conference.  Delft University Press, Netherlands. 2015.
  5. D. Zhilenko, O. Krivonosova. Experimental observation of different intermittency types in spherical couette flow. Materials of 15th European Turbulence Conference. Delft University Press, Netherlands. 2015.
  6. А.И. Решмин, В. Г. Лущик. Особенности течения в круглом и плоском безотрывных диффузорах. XI Всероссийский съезд по фундаментальным проблемам теоретической и прикладной механики. Сборник докладов. Казань: Издательство Казанского университета. 2015.  С. 3210–3212.
  7. А.И. Решмин, О.И. Навознов, С.Х. Тепловодский, В.В. Трифонов. Экспериментальное исследование течения за круглым коротким диффузором с проницаемой перегородкой в выходном сечении. XI Всероссийский съезд по фундаментальным проблемам теоретической и прикладной механики. Сборник докладов. Казань: Издательство Казанского университета. 2015. С. 3783–3785.
  8. Ю. С. Зайко. Численное исследование движения склоновых потоков с различными реологическими свойствами. XI Всероссийский съезд по фундаментальным проблемам теоретической и прикладной механики. Сборник докладов. Казань: Издательство Казанского университета. 2015. С. 1408–1410.
Patent: Zhilenko, D.Yu., Krivonosova, O.E. Method for mechanical mixing of highly viscous fluids. Patent of the Russian Federation № 2563496.

Selected publications: 2014

Papers in refereed journals:

  1. Anastasia Shishaeva, Vasily Vedeneev. Evolution of nonlinear panel flutter oscillations. Visualization of Mechanical Processes: An International Online Journal. 2014.
  2. Karlikov, V.P., Tolokonnikov, S.L. Dependence of the self-oscillation period for a conical jet aerator cap on the jet width in the nozzle outlet. Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 2014. Vol. 69. Issue 3. P. 76-78.
  3. Zhilenko, D.Yu., Krivonosova, O.E. Experimental observation of chaos-chaos intermittency types in spherical Couette flow. Doklady Physics. 2014. Vol. 59. Issue 1. P. 45-48.
  4. Karlikov, V.P., Tolokonnikov, S.L. Self-oscillation regimes of the penetration of free conical thin-walled turbulent jets through a fluid surface. Fluid Dynamics. 2014. Vol. 49. Issue 3. P. 354-361.
  5. Leont’ev, N.E. Flow past a cylinder and a sphere in a porous medium within the framework of the Brinkman equation with the Navier boundary condition. Fluid Dynamics. 2014. Vol. 49. Issue 2. P. 232-237.
  6. Lavrovskii, E.K., Fominikh, V.V. On the problem of angular motion of ocean vortex formations. Izvestiya TulGU. Natural sciences. 2014. Issue 1. Part 1. P. 171-189.
Papers in conference proceedings:
  1. Vasily Vedeneev. Waves in a viscoelastic layer interacting with a fluid flow. Proceedings of 7th International Berlin Workshop on Transport Phenomena with Moving Boundaries and More. Berlin, 2014.
  2. Vasily Vedeneev, Vsevolod Bondarev. Influence of the boundary layer on flutter of elastic plate in supersonic gas flow. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014.
  3. Anastasia Shishaeva, Vasily Vedeneev, Konstantin Kuznetsov, Andrey Aksenov. Numerical simulation of nonlinear panel aeroelastic instability. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014.
  4. Vasily Vedeneev, Anastasia Shishaeva, Konstantin Kuznetsov, Andrey Aksenov. Nonlinear multi-modal panel flutter oscillations at low supersonic speeds. Proceedings of the ASME 2014 4th Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting.
  5. A.I. Reshmin, S.Kh. Teplovodskii, V.V. Trifonov. Turbulent flow in a conical diffuser with a small divergence angle at Reynolds numbers less than 2000. Proceedings of the ASME 2014 4th Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting and 12th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels FEDSM2014. August 3-7, 2014. Chicago, Illinois, USA.
  6. Решмин А.И., Лущик В.Г. Аналогия Рейнольдса при теплообмене в конических расширяющихся каналах. Материалы четырнадцатой международной школы-семинара «Модели и методы аэродинамики». Евпатория. 4-13 июня 2014. С. 90-91.
  7. Хомяков А.Н., Шумилов Р.А. Способ улучшения тяговых характеристик водомётных движителей. Успехи механики сплошных сред. Сборник докладов международной конференции, приуроченной к 75-летию академика В.А. Левина. Иркутск: ООО «Мегапринт», 2014. С. 498-501.

Selected publications: 2013

Papers in refereed journals:

  1. Vasily Vedeneev. Interaction of panel flutter with inviscid boundary layer instability in supersonic flow. Journal of fluid mechanics. 2013. Vol. 736. P. 216-249.
  2. Vasily V. Vedeneev. Effect of damping on flutter of simply supported and clamped panels at low supersonic speeds. Journal of fluids and structures. 2013. Vol. 40. P. 366-372.
  3. V. V. Vedeneev. Limit oscillatory cycles in the single mode flutter of a plate. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2013, V. 77, Issue 3. P. 257-267.
  4. V. V. Vedeneev. Coupled-mode flutter of an elastic plate in a gas flow with a boundary layer. Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, 2013, V. 281. P. 140-152.
  5. Leont’ev, N.E. Description of weakly compressible fluid flows in porous media for a nonlinear seepage law. Fluid Dynamics. 2013. Vol. 48. Issue 3. P. 402-406.
  6. Zhilenko, D.Yu, Krivonosova, O.E. Transitions to chaos in the spherical Couette flow due to periodic variations in the rotation velocity of one of the boundaries. Fluid Dynamics. 2013. Vol. 48. Issue 4. P. 452-460.
  7. Zhilenko, D.Yu, Krivonosova, O.E. DNS of turbulent flows with intermittency formed in a spherical layer with modulated velocity of rotation of the outer spherical boundary. Technical Physics Letters. 2013. Vol. 39. Issue 1. P. 84-87.
  8. Larovskii, E.K., Fominikh, V.V. On steady forms of ocean vortex structures and problem of their stability. Izvestiya TulGU. Natural Sciences. 2013. No 1. P. 85-98.
Papers in conference proceedings:
  1. Vasily Vedeneev, Mikhail Kolotnikov, Pavel Makarov. Numerical analysis of compressor blade flutter in modern gas turbine engines. Proceedings of 10th European Turbomachinery Conference. Lappeenranta, 2013. P. 199-209.
Patent: Zhilenko, D.Yu., Krivonosova, O.E., Zabelinskii, I.E. Method for mixing of highly viscous fluids. Patent of the Russian Federation № 2488433.

Selected publications: 2012

Papers in refereed journals:

  1. 1. Reshmin, A.I., Teplovodskii, S. Kh., Trifonov, V.V. Short round diffuser with a high area ratio and a permeable partition. Fluid Dynamics. 2012. Vol. 47. Issue 5. P. 583-589.
  2. V.A. Naletova, V.A. Turkov, D.A. Pelevina, A.V. Rozin, K. Zimmermann, J. Popp, I. Zeidis. Behavior of a free surface of a magnetic fluid containing a magnetizable cylinder. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2012. V. 324. № 24. P. 1253-1257.
  3. Karlikov, V.P., Rosin, A.V. & Tolokonnikov, S.L. Cavitation interaction between fluid counterflows. Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 2012. Vol. 67. Issue 2. P. 49-52.
  4. Yushutin, V.S. Stability of flow of a nonlinear viscous power-law hardening medium in a deformable channel. Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 2012. Vol. 67. Issue 4. P. 99-102.
  5. Georgievskii, D.V., Yushutin, V.S. Quasi-static compression and spreading of an asymptotically thin nonlinear viscoplastic layer. Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2012. Vol. 53. Issue 3. P. 437-443.
  6. V. V. Vedeneev. Single-mode plate flutter taking the boundary layer into account. Fluid Dynamics, 2012, № 3. P. 417-429.
  7. Vasily V. Vedeneev. Panel flutter at low supersonic speeds. Journal of Fluids and Structures. 2012. Vol. 29. P. 79-96.
  8. Zhilenko, D.Yu, Krivonosova, O.E. Turbulent flow formation in a spherical layer at a variable velocity of rotation of the outer spherical boundary. Technical Physics Letters. 2012. Vol. 38. Issue 5. P. 421-424.
Papers in conference proceedings:
  1. А.И. Решмин, С.Х. Тепловодский. Разработка устройств для создания чистых зон в медицине катастроф и нанотехнике. Сборник проектов Выставки «Технологии специального назначения». С. 139-142. МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова. 2012.
  2. Жиленко Д.Ю., Кривоносова О.Э.  Течения во вращающихся сферических слоях: от моделирования динамических процессов в атмосферах планет к изучению турбулентности.  Труды конференции «Гидроаэромеханика и космические исследования». МГУ, 2012. С. 146-157.
  3. Anastasia Shishaeva, Vasily Vedeneev, Konstantin Kuznetsov, Andrey Aksenov. Simulation of divergence and flutter instabilities of elastic plate in subsonic and supersonic gas flow. Proceedings of 23th International congress on theoretical and applied mechanics (ICTAM). Beijing, 2012.
Last update: august of 2024